Featured Research
Craig, C. J., Evans, P. K., & Stokes, D. W. (2021). Preparing teachers to teach the STEM disciplines in America's urban schools. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Goodell, J. E., & Koç, S. (2020). Preparing STEM teachers: The UTeach replication model. Information Age Publishing.
Cade, W., Liu, F., Vaden-Kiernan, M., & Dodson, M. (2019). An examination of recruitment and retention of UTeach program candidates (PDF . American Institutes for Research.
Researchers are producing an increasing number of peer-reviewed articles and conference presentations about UTeach’s effectiveness.
Backes, B., Goldhaber, D, Cade, W., Sullivan, K, & Dodson, M. (2018). Can UTeach? Assessing the relative effectiveness of STEM teachers. Economics of Education Review, 64, 184–198.
Beth, A.D., Hughes, K.K., Romero, P., Walker, M.H., & Dodson, M.M. Replication as a Strategy for Expanding Educational Programs That Work: The UTeach Institute’s Approach to Program Replication. UTeach Institute.
Cade, W., Liu, F., Vaden-Kiernan, M., & Dodson, M. (2019). An examination of recruitment and retention of UTeach program candidates (PDF <1MB). American Institutes for Research.
Craig, C. J., Evans, P. K., & Stokes, D. W. (2021). Preparing teachers to teach the STEM disciplines in America's urban schools. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Distin, K., & Fraser, B. Evaluation of learning environments of the UTeach teacher development program for secondary STEM teachers (PDF <1MB). Paper presented at the 2017 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX, April.
Goldberg, E. R., & Lannoye-Hall, C. (2023). Adapting learning materials for the digital age: Teacher education during emergency remote learning. In A. Zimmerman (Ed.), Handbook of research on advancing teaching and teacher education in the context of a virtual age (pp. 176–202). IGI Global.
Goodell, J. E., & Koç, S. (2020). Preparing STEM teachers: The UTeach replication model. Information Age Publishing.
Hale, G. R., Lopez, R. E., Cavallo, A. M. L., and Gonzalez, E. E. (2014). Increasing physics teacher production by replicating the UTeach preparation model and awarding Noyce scholarships, in ICPE-EPEC 2013 Conference Proceedings, Eds. Leos Dvorak and Vera Koudelkova, Charles University in Prague, MATFYZPRESS publisher, Prague, 2014, pp. 711–718.
Hughes, K.K. (2013). The UTeach Secondary STEM Teacher Preparation Model and Current Standards Reform Initiatives.
Newton, X. A., Poon, R.C., Nunes, N.L. and Stone, E. (2012). Research on teacher education programs: Logic Model Approach. Evaluation and Program Planning, 36, 88–96.
Pérez, M., & Romero, P. (2014). Secondary STEM teacher preparation as a top priority for the university of the future (PDF <1MB). The Journal of the World Universities Forum, 6(4), 21–36.
Ramsey, C., Cannady, J., & DeGraff, M. Closing the gender and underrepresented minority gap in CS: UTeach Computer Science Principles AP assessment results. Poster presented at 2018 SIGCSE annual meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Rodriguez, S. R., Harron, J. R., & DeGraff, M. W. (2018). UTeach Maker: A micro-credentialing program for preservice teachers. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 34(1), 6–17.
van Es, E. A., Sandholtz, J., & Shea, L. (2014). Examining the impact of a partner-based teacher credential program on candidates’ performance outcomes. Peabody Journal of Education, 89, 482–499.
Walkington, C., & Marder, M. (2018). Using the UTeach Observation Protocol (UTOP) to understand the quality of mathematics instruction. Zdm, 50(3), 507–519. doi: 10.1007/s11858-018-0923-7
Wasserman, N., & Walkington, C. (2014). Exploring links between beginning UTeachers' beliefs and observed classroom practices. Teacher Education & Practice, 27(2/3), 376–401.