October 14, 2022
Education is at a crisis point: There is an urgent need for teachers. But for students to learn and thrive, they need well-prepared teachers who know both the subject matter and how to teach it. UTeach, with its network of 13 university programs and partners across Texas, produces qualified STEM teachers and has done so for 25 years. To meet the current crisis, UTeach developed an intensive accelerated teacher development program, UTeach for Texas.
Designed for career changers who already hold a STEM degree, UTeach for Texas prepares teachers in just seven months. Participants take virtual classes with university faculty and train with secondary teachers in local schools. During a summer fellowship, participants refresh their subject matter expertise. UTeach for Texas continues personal support after participants become classroom teachers. Other features of the program are a streamlined curriculum, personalized coaching, and future professional learning opportunities.
Dr. Michael Marder, Executive Director and co-founder of UTeach, said, “Schools are facing a STEM teacher vacancy crisis right now, and there is no time to waste in helping career changers who want to relieve it.”
The number of science and mathematics teachers coming from the country’s teacher preparation programs has been falling for years due to the drop in production from the nation’s universities. States are turning to concerning solutions. For example, Texas, which prepares more teachers than any other state, provides pathways into teaching that require almost no preparation in advance, and these are producing the majority of new teachers.
“The quality of the teacher in a classroom is the single best predictor of student success,” said Susan Dawson, President and Executive Director, E3 Alliance.
UTeach for Texas has the resources to produce prepared and resilient teachers. Research shows that secondary students taught by UTeach graduates outperformed all students in Texas by an additional 4 months of learning in math and 5.7 months in science over the course of one academic year.
The program is now accepting candidates for the Central Texas pilot that begins in January 2023. People who are interested can attend a virtual info session any Thursday in October at 6:00 p.m. Sign up for a session and find more information at uteachfortexas.utexas.edu.
UTeach for Texas is leading the charge to make sure that every Texas student is taught by an excellent STEM teacher. Choose teaching. Change the future.
Visit uteachfortexas.org or email uteachfortexas@utexas.edu for information.