Kimberly Hughes has 25 years of experience in STEM education and leads national STEM education initiatives. At the UTeach Institute, she directs work to improve learning outcomes for students pursuing STEM disciplines and careers by focusing on the development of a high-quality and diverse teacher workforce, and by galvanizing and supporting collaborative educational networks around shared challenges. She oversees a national network of more than 50 colleges and universities working to prepare excellent secondary STEM teachers for U.S. schools and to address national STEM education challenges.
Kimberly brings 15 years of knowledge and expertise about the challenges related to strengthening STEM teaching and learning and the critical role that networked improvement communities can play in sustaining education innovations. She has authored publications on topics related to STEM teacher development and offers a national perspective about the centrality of teacher development to any discussion of educational improvement.
Kimberly began her career as a high school science teacher and credits that experience with shaping her lifelong commitment to improving educational outcomes for all students. She has earned degrees in Science Education (BS) at Indiana University and Curriculum & Instruction (A.) and Higher Education Leadership (EdD) at The University of Texas at Austin.